Advertising is broken, but it's still fixable

As cookies and other identifiers go the way of the dodo bird and big tech platforms drive less traffic, publishers face increasing challenges in monetizing their ad-supported content. But there’s a sweet solution: Bonbon helps you build a loyal, engaged user base that’s not just sustainable but also profitable.

How can publishers counter dropping referral traffic & ad rates? 

Acquire Emails + First Party Data

Use Bonbon’s rewards engine to optimize offers and boost consented data collection.

Engage Readers

Gamify your site with Bonbon points to encourage user interaction.

Grow Ad Revenue

Add impactful new ad units and transition from cookies to alternative IDs.

We’re here to help turn the tide!

We know what you want

 (and what you need)

We know publishers need a solution that will:

  • Build real engagement and boost ad rates.
  • Respect the consumer’s choice and control.
  • Give you real control over your own destiny without having to lose or share your data with big tech.
  • Be viable and compliant even with the passing of the next state privacy law.
  • Stand the test of time as technology continues to evolve.

AI-powered, hyper-contextual offers

Bonbon’s technology delivers rewards and offers consumers crave. Our platform comes bundled with hundreds of available consumer rewards. 

Our AI targets rewards to users in a hyper-contextually way. This drives higher registration rates and more content consumption. See the results for yourself:

Why it works​

Legacy advertising IDs have been replaced by encrypted email-based identifiers. That’s a big improvement.

However, the challenge is they require consumers to register, and most websites see only a 0.1% registration rate. That’s a whole lot of people you’re missing a connection with!

On top of that, these solutions aren’t offering anything back to consumers, who are getting savvier by the day when it comes to the value of their personal data.

Bonbon Technologies is building a better way for consumers to engage and  authenticate (log in) AND for you to enable addressable advertising within your site or app.

You get to grow your engagement and advertising revenues and consumers get rewarded, building a little extra brand love for you! (Oh, and you get more independence from big tech)

Seriously – it’s a win-win-win.

We're serious about data privacy​

With Bonbon, you’ll work with a technology partner that’s built on a privacy-by-design framework from start to finish, making our solution future resilient for whatever comes next.
No more privacy liabilities, only fully consented customer relationships.

Request a free trial

Let's make the Internet better for independent publishers.